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Legislative Awareness Day 2018

Legislative Awareness Day 2018

Monday, October 8, 2 – 5 p.m.
Joint Hearing Room
Department of Legislative Services
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401

[To see more photos of the event, please click here]


2:00 PM          Welcome and opening remarks

2:20 PM          Disability Empowerment: Suzy Rosen Singleton

2:50 PM          Break

3:00 PM          Community Member Panel 

Bradley Christlieb
Michael Catron
Lisa Montalvo-Diaz
Katrina Aristy

3:50 PM          Break

4:00 PM          Introduction of Lt. Governor Boyd K. Rutherford

4:15 PM          Awards Ceremony

Dr. Khadijat “Kubby” Rashid, Governor’s Kelby Brick Community Leadership Award
Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, Outstanding Public Official Award
Streetcar 82, Deaf Business Award
Heidi Burghardt, Civic Engagement Award
Sheryl Cooper, Outstanding Ally Award
Jamie Pope, Spirit of the Office Award
Zainab Alkebsi, Director’s Award
Deborah Nathanson, Spirit of the Deaf Ecosystem Award


Suzy Rosen Singleton is a Maryland native, growing up here and is currently chief of the Disability Rights Office of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission.  Her legal career started in 1992, and involved civil rights litigation for the now defunct California Center for Law and the Deaf (CalCLAD), and disability policy work in the following former capacities: as the counsel for government affairs for the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), a special education law compliance officer for the U.S. Department of Education, and the ombuds for Gallaudet University.


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