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MD Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing

Report to Governor & General Assembly due June 1, 2025 (Chapters 442
<> &
443, Acts of 2024)

In July 2024, the General Assembly authorized formation of the Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing (Chapters 442 & 443, Acts of 2024).

The Workgroup charge is to study, assess, and make recommendations regarding: direct and specialized case management services for deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing individuals; development and administration of programs that support educational, employment, health, and social opportunities for them; advocacy for policies, programs, and legislative initiatives that address their needs; and outreach efforts to raise public awareness and foster understanding of the challenges they face. The Workgroup also will consider coordination with State agencies and the use of State resources to provide specialized case management services to deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing individuals; identification of barriers and gaps in communication access and development of solutions to improve their quality of life; and development of activities to enhance civic engagement between deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing individuals and the community.

Thirteen members constitute the Workgroup. Ten are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate President, one by the House Speaker, and one serves ex officio.

Authorization for the Task Force ends June 30, 2026.